Last modified: 31.7.2024
Started: 11.2.2018
An online application for cataloging my electronic components, especially those used with Arduino, ESP32, and ESP8266 (NodeMCU).
Now that the project is complete, I have logged all the components I’ve purchased over the years, along with relevant information, data-sheets, and useful links. This makes it much easier to start new projects, as I can quickly find details on each component and access related documentation.
The application is free to use and available on GitHub. Click here to visit the repository.
To enhance the functionality of this system, I developed two additional tools that help me quickly locate my parts.
This project, Laser Pointer and Part Finder.
The Settings menu, is only usable by admins. Here parts can be listed by "creation time" or "part name".
Parts can be listed by specific Location, Type, Supplier or Manufacturer. Here we are listing by a location called "Taska Svört - Hvítt límband".
Types, Locations, Suppliers, Manufactures, Files, Images, parts and users can all be listed by Name or Creation order.
Parts, Types, Locations, Suppliers, Manufactures, Files, Images and users all have a register page where you store data about your items. The pars page was created for ease of use, rather than beauty. Quickly select Types, Location, Supplier or a Manufacturer from Dropdowns and easily add Files or Links by pressing a button.
The todo list.
Todo: (check-mark means done.