Last modified: 31.7.2024

Started: 11.2.2018

An online application for cataloging my electronic components, especially those used with Arduino, ESP32, and ESP8266 (NodeMCU).

Now that the project is complete, I have logged all the components I’ve purchased over the years, along with relevant information, data-sheets, and useful links. This makes it much easier to start new projects, as I can quickly find details on each component and access related documentation.

The application is free to use and available on GitHub. Click here to visit the repository.

Connected projects

To enhance the functionality of this system, I developed two additional tools that help me quickly locate my parts.

Laser Pointer
This project uses an ESP32, two servos, and a laser to point to specific parts or tools in my garage.
Part Finder
When searching for a specific part among my 138 drawers, this system lights up the correct drawer, making it easy to locate.
Part Finder II
An upgraded version of the Part Finder with 120 drawers and 3 lidded compartments, which is also designed for three storage boxes but all boxes the same. Additionally, I designed a small circuit board in KiCad for this system.

Three Projects in Action

This project, Laser Pointer and Part Finder.

Part Finder II is not in this video, you can see a video of it here.
With the light-up drawers and laser pointer, I can quickly locate any small component in my garage. This system saves time when I get a new idea for a project and want to start prototyping immediately—without wasting time searching for parts.

Few snapshots of the system.

Login page

Users can be admin or normal users, admins can change stuff, normal user can only view stuff.

Login screen

List parts

The Settings menu, is only usable by admins. Here parts can be listed by "creation time" or "part name".

List parts

List parts by Location

Parts can be listed by specific Location, Type, Supplier or Manufacturer. Here we are listing by a location called "Taska Svört - Hvítt límband".

List parts by Location

List Types

Types, Locations, Suppliers, Manufactures, Files, Images, parts and users can all be listed by Name or Creation order.

List types

Register a part

Parts, Types, Locations, Suppliers, Manufactures, Files, Images and users all have a register page where you store data about your items. The pars page was created for ease of use, rather than beauty. Quickly select Types, Location, Supplier or a Manufacturer from Dropdowns and easily add Files or Links by pressing a button.

Register a part

The todo list.

Todo: (check-mark means done.

  • Create the GitHub repository
  • Create a hello world login app
  • Analyze what needs to be stored with all attributes that objects should have.
  • Create the schema for all that needs to be stored
  • Can mongo db? store files and images, yes it can
  • Make a search or a filter for the list page
  • Make the register pages
    • Make the register page for User
    • Make the register page for File
    • Make the register page for Location
    • Make the register page for Manufacturer
    • Make the register page for Supplier
    • Make the register page for Type
    • Make the register page for parts. This is the biggest page which will need to be able to register most of the other objects also.
      • Part image
      • Part files
        • Upload part file
        • Change part file
        • Delete part file
      • Part urls
        • Add part url
        • Change part url
        • Delete part url
  • Make the list pages
    • Make the list page for Users
    • Make the list page for Files
    • Make the list page for Locations
    • Make the list page for Manufacturers
    • Make the list page for Suppliers
    • Make the list page for Types