My notes about factorio



Solar farm

This configuration of a solar farm I most often use.

When electricity is sometimes scarce and causing production slow-down, I sometime add Accumulator around the farm in order to store more electricity during the day.


  • Solar panel - 180 units, ← 2*92 - 42 ( 12 + (4*(4*3)) + 2*16 ) - 4

  • Accumulator - 151 units, ← 2(62) + 18 + 92(24 + 2*2 + 4*6 + 6 + 4 ) + 2*9 + 3*3

  • Substation - 16 units

  • Roboport - 1 unit

See simular solar farm video on how to build first half, then copy, rotate and paste the other half. You can also create a blueprint, and rotate and set it below. At the end remove 4 panes and add 9 Accumulators above the space port.
Figure 1. Image of a solar farm

Related: Electric system



To throw grenades, hold a grenade while right clicking the target.

Gun or a rifle

  • Select different weapon, press c to .

  • Shoot by pressing space

  • Force shooting any target,

    1. hover over the target

    2. to shoot, press Shift + space