Last modified: 22.10.2018
Started: 1.10.2018
Changing the color of the light strip under my daughter's stairs.
This project implements an internet-controlled lighting system for my daughter's stairs. VoffCon is used to send commands to an ESP8266 REST API, which in turn controls the color of a 12V light strip via three BC547 transistors (data-sheet linked). The wiring diagram is shown on a image below.
The code running on the NnodeMcu(esp8266) is the default DeviceServer with little pin mode modifications.
I wanted to use pins D6, D7 and D8 on the device to control the strip, so I needed to change their modes to OUTPUT_ANALOG. By following the steps below you can see how I did that without any programming at all.
DeviceServerNodeMcu.ino is this the main program running on the device
I‘ve created a control Card for the stair strip. It is written in JavaScript and are run by the VoffCon server.
The VoffCon control Card:
// Comming soon