Wiring the strip and exporting code

You will need to wire the Esp32 and your strip together, connect the Esp32 to the computer view USB cable and program the Esp32.

These are the steps you need to follow

  1. Start by selecting your strip and figure out how many leds you will be using.
  2. Wire the Esp32 and your strip. Click here for help on how to do that.
  3. Download the latest version WinStrip by clicking "Downloads" on the top menu on this page and select the latest release.
  4. Export code and upload it to the Esp32 so it can control the strip. Click here for help with on how to do that.
  5. Exit the WinStrip application and run it again. It should detect the USB (COM) port the device is connected to.
  6. Create your own themes, and impress your friends.


In this example we are wiring a led strip with the esp32. This led strip is of the type APA102 and it has four connections, 5V, GND, DI and CI. Some strip types have only three connections a 5V, GND and DI.

Powering many lights on a strip

If you try to light up to many leds on power from the USB alone, power running through the USB will not be enough to power all the strip.

If you need many leds lit, add a additional 5V power supply which should be connected to V5 and GND on the strip and do not connect the red wire on the drawing below (Red wire: Esp32 5V - strip 5V)

  • 5V
    5 volts input
  • GND
  • DI
    Data pin (IN: Input into the strip)
  • CI
    Clock pin (IN: Input into the strip)

Exporting code and uploading it to the device

In the application main menu (upper right corner) click Action->Export code. This will show the dialog below. From this dialog you can export code for the Esp32 micro-controller.

  1. Start by selecting appropriate values based on your strip.
  2. Press export and select a folder to export to.
  3. Double click on the .ino file in the folder you exported to. This should open the Arduino IDE. If it does not open you will need to install it. Here is a link to the windows installer.
  4. If you do not have the FastLed Library installed in your Arduino IDE, you will have to install it.
    • Installing the FastLed Library
      1. Open the Arduino IDE
      2. Click main menu->Tools->Manage Libraries...
      3. Search for FastLed (I used version 3.3.3) a newer one will probably work too
      4. Click Install
  5. Connect one end of a "USB to USB micro cable" to the computer and the other end to the Esp32 micro controller.
  6. Now you should be able to compile and upload the code.
  7. If not, then the Esp32 library is probably not installed, to install it follow this youtube tutorial
  8. Exit the WinStrip application and run it again. It should detect the USB (COM) port the device is connected to.
  9. Live long and prosper 😏

The Export code dialog

This dialog is used to export code for the Esp32 device. This will allow the device to control a led strip and receive commands via the USB cable.

Number of leds

Specify how many light emitting diodes there are on your strip.

Has clock pin

Some strips have only three wires, 5V, data-pin and GND.
If your strip has only three, un check this.


Specify the chipset of your strip.

Color scheme

Color scheme of the strip leds. Each led has three diodes, red, green and blue. These diodes are used to display the different colors. Strips will sometimes differ in the order of these diodes. possible variations are the following;

Color scheme variations
Scheme Description
RGBRed, green, blue
RBGRed, blue, green
GRBGreen, red, blue
GBRGreen, blue, red
BRGBlue, red, green
BGRBlue, green, red
Data pin

Which pin will you be using on your micro-controller for the data pin.

This pin must be connected to Data or DI connection on your strip.

Clock pin

Which pin will you be using on your micro-controller for the clock pin.
This pin must be connected to CLK or CI on your strip.

Note Not all strips have a clock connection.


Export the code, after pressing this button you will be asked to
select a folder to export the code to.


Nothing will be exported and to form will close