QuickSync© - Guðjón Hólm Sigurðsson

A Quick & Easy way to keep your files up-to-date

QuickSync a quick way to keep your files up to date.


Use this application to keep files on your removable media up-to date.Keep files up-to-date on many computers quickly and easily.

Use QuickSync to travel with your newest documents, music, pictures or any files you can think of.

Use QuickSync to synchronize specific folders from your work and/or home- computer to your Laptop and vice versa. That is, use your Laptop as a removable media.

A removable media can be in all shapes an sizes. Here are few examples:

- USB memory keys

- USB hard-disk drives

- Memory cards

- EBook or iBook

- Zip drives

- Network Drives

- And more of course.

When using QuickSync, Always make sure your Windows system date and time are correct.


Be careful with which folders you choose, QuickSync does not care if folders are System folders or not.

For example, it is NOT recommended to use QuickSync to merge the C:\windows folder or use it as a destination folder.